2 Thessalonians 2:1

The Man of Sin SUMMARY OF II THESSALONIANS 2: Not to Be Troubled Supposing the Day of the Lord at Hand. An Apostasy Must First Come. Then the Revelation of the Man of Sin. The Wicked One Destroyed at the Lord's Coming. Exhortation to Stand Fast.

Now, we beseech you, brethren. This chapter is written to remove misapprehension on the subject of the Lord's coming. It shows that it might not be expected until certain events have taken place. These are, (1) A falling away, or apostasy; (2) The removal of some power which hindered the manifestation of the man of sin; (3) The manifestation of the man of sin, and following this, the coming of the Lord. He had told them of these things while with them (2Th 2:5), but now writes more fully. He does not seek to show all, but some of the events which will precede Christ's coming.

By the coming. Rather, concerning the coming. His importunity is respecting this and "the gathering of the saints".
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